MMA cargo insurance

Cargo risk is complex as it is subject to a considerable amount of regulation, which well surpasses the understanding of many companies. Consequently, it is often ignored...

© Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images

updated on May 21, 2024

Cargo risk is complex as it is subject to a considerable amount of regulation, which well surpasses the understanding of many companies. Consequently, it is often ignored or approached in the wrong way. You can place your full trust in the experts at MMA to provide you with an appropriate insurance solution and unwavering assistance in managing your disputes in France and around the world.

That is why we:

  • Build stable and knowledgeable teams that strive to keep the costs of claims down and monitor customer statistics by :
    • working with a network of transport experts and specialist lawyers with whom we have negotiated preferential rates ;
    • setting aside an appropriate level of provisions to cover damages ;
    • systematically seeking recourse.
  • Listen to the market and its needs to constantly adapt our products and solutions to suit.

Our strengths

  • Points of contact who specialise in transport insurance, are renowned for their efficiency, and with whom you can develop a close, long-term relationship ;
  • Expert claims teams who defend your interests ;
  • Solutions that are adapted to suit the market.

MMA cargo insurance boasts:

  • 50 focused employees
  • €52 million in revenue
  • 21,000 policies


Easy and effective management

You will enjoy access to Certifleet, a platform specially designed to input and communicate insurance orders, declarations of value and certificates of insurance.

Accessible at any time of day, any day of the week, it enables you to handle any emergency related to transport operations.

For further information about MMA’s insurance solutions, please contact your insurance broker