MMA’s tailored motor fleet insurance

Of all the insurance expenses a company has to cover, motor fleets represent one of the largest costs...

© GoodLifeStudio/Getty Images

updated on Aug 27, 2024

Of all the insurance expenses a company has to cover, motor fleets represent one of the largest costs. You therefore expect, and rightly so, to benefit from policies that suit your situation and constraints that take account of the full range of motor risks, from risk assessment to claims management.

A comprehensive approach to motor risk at a affordable cost

As the second largest Fleet insurer in France, we draw on our renowned expertise and our consistent underwriting policy to build tailored solutions for fleets of 40 vehicles and more (or 20 vehicles for cargo businesses).

We provide our corporate customers with a high-quality, comprehensive contract that suits their activity and builds on our considerable experience in this market.

Our approach satisfies your need to control every component of these expenses, whether insured or not.

  1. Minimised duration vehicles are disabled

    One of the, the greatest concerns every company faces is to ensure business continuity, which is why we provide you with the tools you need to limit the time damaged vehicles are disabled. We do so through :

    • Assistance solutions adapted by Fidélia, the Covéa Group's roadside assistance company, which insures 12 million customers and provides services such as a priority hot-line for motor fleets, replacement drivers, advance for bail costs, help in completing insurance accident reports and psychological support following an accident or an assault ;
    • Remote expert assessment at the repairer's premises, including transmission of photos and costing to the expert (EAD express) ;
    • Real-time monitoring of repair work via smartphone (Covisioto).
  2. Controlled repair costs

    Over the past few years, repair costs have been steadily increasing between around 3% and 4%. To help you control these costs effectively, you can rely on our:

    • Network of 312 independent experts, including 127 HGV specialists ;
    • Pool of 4,223 approved repair technicians for cars and light commercial vehicles and 179 approved HGV repair technicians, including 2,100 level 1 repairers who offer a replacement vehicle for cars less than 3 years old / 60,000 km while the vehicle is being repaired, and who are authorized to carry out repairs without the intervention of an expert, using an Artificial Intelligence system ;
    • Technical research and training centre (CESVI France) that is licensed by the court to reconstitute events relating to major claims.
  3. Reduced frequency of claims

    Prevention programmes, carried out in collaboration with COVÉA Solutions Prévention, to considerably reduce the frequency of road traffic incidents by up to 30%.

  4. Adaptation of the insurance policy

    Each company develops different levels of financial capacity and maturity to deal with motor risks. We take these factors into consideration as we work with you to put in place specific solutions, and wherever possible harnessing self-insurance to avoid needless expenses and taxes as well as empowering stakeholders (such as retentions, general liability excess and damages).

Our strengths

  • The skills of our teams – named people available to underwrite and manage your policies ;
  • Claims are managed entirely in France, especially serious injury claims, where management focuses on autonomy and reintegrating people ;
  • The Covéa repair network to optimise your insurance budget.

For further information about MMA’s insurance solutions, please contact your insurance broker