Group insurance – benefits your employees will enjoy

Company executives must comply with a number of legal obligations with respect to providing social protection to employees, as well as constraints imposed...

© 10’000 Hours/Getty Images
Published on Mar 15, 2022

Company executives must comply with a number of legal obligations with respect to providing social protection to employees, as well as constraints imposed as part of collective bargaining agreements, breaches of which could harm the company.

In a highly competitive environment, where coverage and costs are becoming increasingly uniform across the market, it has become a major strength to be capable of offering personalised group policies. It is essential to conduct an in-depth analysis of your company’s situation in order to put in place solutions that perfectly suit your needs, including the regulatory constraints that apply to your activity, the situation of your employees and the financing capacity of your company.

Your insurance broker is there to inform and support you through the implementation of your group social protection package.

Your obligations

Since 1 January 2016, every employer in France must provide their employees with complementary health insurance (French law n°2013-504 of 14 June 2013). Group complementary health insurance solutions enable you to offer your employees appropriate healthcare coverage (including more favourable direct settlement system and negotiated rates for dental and eye care). You can choose between different packages to suit the specific situation of your company.

Group protection insurance covers every employee against lost income due to being unfit to work, either temporarily or definitively, and guarantees a benefit is paid to the named next of kin in the event of death. It also includes additional support beyond that provided by standard social security, via the payment of compensation, annuities or a lump sum.

Group protection policies are not mandatory, except for managerial staff depending on the collective bargaining agreement that applies to the company.

A policy that benefits your company

Beyond any legal requirements, when your company takes out complementary health insurance or protection insurance, it will enjoy a genuine boost in performance. Indeed, such a move improves motivation, employee retention and employer/employee relations.

The policies are clearly structured and comply with a number of criteria set out in the French National Interprofessional Agreement (ANI) of 19 July 2005, which enables you to take advantage of:

  • Fringe benefits: exoneration of social security contributions and reduced employer contributions for companies employing over 10 people.
  • Tax concessions: employer and employee contributions deductible for corporation tax.

A policy that benefits your employees

The decision to implement any complementary cover represents a key step in a company’s development to improve employee well-being..

Moreover, your employees can in the majority of cases benefit from a “group” rate that is more attractive than the contributions they would be required to make if they were to have taken out the policy individually, thanks to the company’s financial contribution.

MMA services

MMA also offers a number of services as standard or as an optional extra to suit your particular needs.

The basic policy would give your company access to the Santéclair network, however you could decide to join another network overseen by your chosen insurance agent.

You would also enjoy Fidélia accident assist and recovery support, whose teams are ready to help you in a wide variety of situations, such as providing help at home after being hospitalised or delivering medication to your door.

Should you wish, you can take out a number of optional extras to meet the needs of your employees:

  • REHALTO: psychological support programmes for victims, post-accident rehab and training to deal with anti-social behaviour ;
  • FACIL’iti: solutions that make it easier to access and read websites more comfortably, for example by adding lines breaks between text ;
  • H4D: access to remote consultation booths ;
  • Team-metrics: questions put to employees online to gauge satisfaction in an automated way ;
  • Medica Europe: a service to provide a second opinion on medical concerns to manage employee absences more effectively ;
  • Crésus: an assistance and advice service for company employees struggling with financial difficulties such as crippling debt, bank blacklisting, or trouble balancing their budget ;
  • Simplifia: a service to support employees following the death of their partner, child or relative and assistance in organising the funeral.

For further information about MMA’s insurance solutions, please contact your insurance broker