Our civic initiatives to support equal opportunity

© Mikolette/iStock
Published on Jul 06, 2023

As a civic-minded company, MMA is committed to creating a society in which equal opportunity is a reality, primarily by taking action to help those with disabilities, women and young people.

MMA Solidarity Foundation helping people with disabilities

Since it was created in 1983 under the aegis of the Fondation de France, the MMA Solidarity Foundation’s main goal has been to support the autonomy, wellbeing and inclusion of people with disabilities. It has financed 2,500 projects to date, helping more than 25,000 people with disabilities(1).

The MMA Solidarity Foundation’s efforts in 2022 related to two main areas:

  • Donation to Café Joyeux: this fast food company employs people with disabilities, primarily those with Down syndrome or autism. In May 2022, the Foundation granted a €50,000 subsidy in recognition of its work to promote inclusion by employing people with disabilities(2).
  • Support for 72 charities: in 2022, the Foundation supported 72 charities in a wide variety of areas such as sport, social life, culture and inclusion. It provided a total of €579,650 to fund these various initiatives to help people with disabilities(2).

(1) Disability projects supported by the Foundation – MMA – 2021
(2) MMA Solidarity Foundation news – MMA – 2022

Our Foundation supports a number of charities. These organisations, run by admirable people – both volunteers and professionals – make a real contribution to the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Éric Lécuyer, General Manager of MMA.

Our commitment to parasport

MMA, via the Covéa Foundation, became chief sponsor of the French Handisport Federation (FFH) on 11 February 2022 for a period of three years with two main aims:

  • Developing parasports;
  • Launching projects for young parasports athletes.

As part of this partnership, MMA and the Covéa Foundation support the “Parcours Jeunes” programme encouraging young people with disabilities to take part in sport and fostering their social inclusion. Attesting to this commitment, the Group was present at the 9th French National Parasports Days held on 13 to 16 April 2022 at Chapelle-sur-Erdre near Nantes.

Find out about what we do within the company to help people with disabilities.

Supporting the Fondation des Femmes

MMA, via the Covéa Foundation, has partnered the Fondation des Femmes for nearly three years. This organisation promotes women’s rights and works to prevent violence against women. In 2020, the Group provided financial support of €500,000(3), primarily to help women who were victims of domestic violence during the lockdown, to:

  • Buy equipment and telephones;
  • Buy food and essential items;
  • Provide accommodation.

(3) Non-financial performance statement – MMA IARD SA – 2021

The Covid-19 crisis created lasting economic and social difficulties that have increased precarity and the risks facing the most vulnerable members of society, in particular women affected by domestic violence. As a mutual insurer, Covéa strives to embody its mutualist values by providing long-term support.

Thierry Derez, Covéa Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

The Group has kept up its partnership by supporting certain Fondation des Femmes initiatives, such as the #Regardemoibien (“Look at me well”) campaign launched on 4 March 2021, which aims to achieve recognition for women, what they say and what they want. In association with the Fondation des Femmes, MMA also works with a programme to raise employee awareness by teaching them to identify and react to situations of street harassment, whether they are the victim or a witness.

This campaign has shown me that we can all act in simple ways and without putting ourselves in danger.

Charles Boyer, Construction team manager within the MMA Compensation department.

In 2022, the Group renewed its support of the Fondation des Femmes, providing financial aid of €400,000 to support three projects:

  • The Audacieuse programme to raise awareness about inequality and combat stereotypes and sexism;
  • The Sororité programme to give donations to charities working on the ground to help the most vulnerable women;
  • The Abri d’urgence programme to provide emergency accommodation for women who have been victims of violence.

The Group also supported one of Fondation des Femmes’ flagship campaigns in 2022: the “Equality train”. From 26 February to 7 March 2022, a train in the Fondation des Femmes colours toured the major cities of France to raise public awareness in railway stations.

In association with the Fondation des Femmes, the Group was also involved in creating a prevention guide to improve understanding of domestic violence by businesses. The guide will be given to all employees involved in providing support and managing situations of harassment and/or violence against women.

On 18 April 2023, 40 Group employees, including MMA employees, took part in the Nuit des Relais night run organised by the Fondation des Femmes in front of the Hôtel de Ville in Paris. Thanks to 2,300 runners and the support of sponsors, more than €215,000 was raised to help projects to promote gender equality and combat violence against women.

Find out about what we do within the company to promote gender equality.

Supporting the inclusion of young people

MMA supports a number of initiatives to help young people into employment via the Covéa Foundation. This commitment is reflected by two longstanding partnerships:

  • NQT (Nos Quartiers ont des Talents) since 2015, a French charity focusing on equal opportunity. As part of this partnership, Group managers with at least 10 years’ professional experience can volunteer to help young graduates find a job or work-study placement. In 2022, 119 young people were supported by the Group’s 134 mentors, 61 of whom were MMA employees.
  • Capital Filles since 2019, a charity focusing on job diversity and equal opportunity for girls and young women from underprivileged and rural areas. As part of this partnership, around 100 female Covéa employees volunteer each year to help young female students with their future career plans. Group workshops are also organised to discuss what holds them back and how to be bold and and succeed professionally as women.

I like the idea of intergenerational support and women helping each other. It’s also a small step towards countering social determinism and opening up new opportunities for these young women, including myself.

Céline Capp, sponsor and management development manager at Covéa.

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